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Piano Teacher Master Mind

Meet The Presenters...​

A virtual retreat empowering piano teachers with operational studios and efficient systems.

Join our 6 summer workshops with experienced educators where you will learn about...

  • Policies & Tuition: Establishing clear policies and managing tuition effectively.
  • Studio Templates & Systems: Implementing efficient operations with ready-to-use templates.
  • Tax Management: Navigating finances, accounting, and taxes for studio success.
  • And MORE

June 14, 2024
11:30am Eastern Time

Elevate Your Studio

Unlock the power of community-driven coaching at a fraction of the price.

Join our Mastermind for just $140, including six jam-packed sessions and a bonus finale, combining the best of individual coaching and collective experience.

Schedule 2024

June 14th - Finances, Accounting, & Taxes

June 21st - Policies & Tuition

June 28th - Studio Templates & Systems

July 12th - Calendars, Events, & Scheduling

July 19th - Building A Waitlist of Ideal Students

July 26th - Parent, Practice, & Progress

August 1st - BONUS - Deep Dive into FONS & MMS

Jaclyn Mrozek

Jaclyn, a seasoned piano teacher from Cincinnati, Ohio, specializes in connecting with other piano instructors and assisting them in expanding their studios.

Registration Open

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