So Why Did I Start This?

Piano Kats Teacher Community

June 13th

Going to be vulnerable here...

Part of what inspired me to start this bootcamp was for my own studio.

I am not a new teacher by any means. I have been doing this for 26 years.

I have...

  • Taught in a private home studio with my childhood teachers.
  • Taught in student's homes (yup, former driving teacher over here)
  • Taught in a multi-teacher school, paying rent for my space.

And now I teach in my own home studio.

Not only that, but I do consider myself successful.

I have a full studio with a waitlist.

I am proud of my students.

None of this is new for me.

So why would I need something like this?

Because things change.

My studio is experiencing growing pains, which is exciting, but which also means that my business structure needs a complete overhaul.

And honestly, it has been nothing but overwhelming.

Something has got to give.

I want more time with my family.

I do not want to have to be nervous every year at tax season to see if we are getting money back or if I am going to owe (by the way, this year I owe...a lot...and it hurt).

I want to be confident in my boundaries.

I want to be proud of my tuition rates and be picky of who enters my studio.

I want a fair return on the work I put in.

And so much more.

Sound familiar?

If this sounds like you, let's schedule a call. Reply to this email, and we can determine if it may be of help to you.

If this sounds like another teacher you know, or maybe they are brand new, I ask that you forward this email to them.

Let's HELP one another be successful.

Help me with my podcast!

I have some pretty amazing teachers scheduled for the coming weeks. What are some topics you would be interested to hear about?

Keep Teaching, Keep Loving, Keep Practicing - Love Always, Jaci

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