The Countdown is On...

Piano Kats Teacher Community

June 10th

The Bootcamp Starts on Friday!

Session 1: Finances, Accounting, & Taxes

Have you received professional training on how to operate a small business? Do you have specific accounts in order? Do you pay yourself? Do you pay quarterly or annual taxes?

Or do you conduct your business in the same manner as most of us?

Most of us begin modestly, with just a handful of students, and tend to not fix what doesn't appear to be broken. So in maybe one checking account we collect tuition and then use that same account for personal and business purchases. Maybe we have a savings. Maybe we track expenses and maybe we don't.

Wait, tracking expenses? Must be nice to have the time...

Cue Session 1 with Ashley Danyew: Finances, Accounting, & Taxes

The Music Teacher's Bootcamp will kick off with what tends to come as an afterthought in most teaching businesses, and that is how we handle our finances. In our bootcamp, we are starting with this first as we navigate refreshing, revising, and revamping our studios.

We work hard and dedicate ourselves to our craft and our students. Let's stop treating it like a fancy hobby and treat it like the sophisticated business it is.

Ashley knows her stuff. Afterall, she has an entire course and website dedicated to teaching musicpreneurs how to be successful business owners.

COPI of the Week: Healthy Boundaries in the Studio

Join myself and the lovely Monica Monachino and Anna Fagan as we discuss creating confident boundaries to keep ourselves, our families, and our students happy.

These teachers really know their stuff and had some really insightful thoughts and tips. Not to mention they helped me officially launch my first episode. :) The Music Teacher Master Mind podcast is live and can be found on your favorite podcast app.

What is a COPI? This acronym stands for Challenge-Opportunity-Problem-Inspiration.

Have a COPI you would like for me to discuss? Would you like to be a part of the podcast? Reply to this email and let me know!

Happy Listening!

Keep Teaching, Keep Loving, Keep Practicing - Love Always, Jaci

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